Tarps are pretty tough but sometimes life takes its toll. We want you to be happy with your Sourced bag and will stand by it for 3 years. We'll fix any manufacturing faults that develop for free within this time. After 3 years we can still help but might ask for a small fee to cover our time.
Send us an email explaining the issue and we'll get back to you asap.

Our story
SOURCED produces bags and lifestyle accessories from recycled truck tarpaulin. Every bag we make is unique, due to differing logos & markings.
Our truck tarpaulins come from the road networks of Europe. We search high & low to find old truck curtain. This thick, waterproof material
would otherwise end up in landfill.
We design and manufacture all our products in the UK. Bags are produced in small batches and can be customized on request.

How are they made?
We scour Europe in search of used truck curtains. Once found and bought to our workshop each curtain each is stripped of old buckles, webbing and any damaged sections discarded.
The next stage is to cut the full curtains in much smaller panels which go through an intensive cleaning process removing dirt and grease.
Finally the finished pattern shapes are cut and paired together ready for sewing on our heavy duty machines into unique, durable goods.